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Raspberry Pis and LEGOs

Marc Winfrey

This week has been an overall slow one, or should I say, packed. With plenty of work across various classes, there hasn't been all too much time to sit down and order parts (Thank you Mr. Barker for that free day!). In the time we did manage to squeeze in, most notably the hour we forced into our schedules, we managed to come up with a few ideas on how we would go about building this car.

1) Why spend money on construction materials when we can just use the stuff we have around our house! Together, we have more LEGOs to build 20 cars, so we can just use stuff like that.

2) The electronics are some of the more specialized pieces of the puzzle. We can't just pull an old motherboard from an alarm clock, we have to be more meticulous. Enter the raspberry pi. For only $35 we can control all the electronics we need. That said, we don't have any options for batteries or motors yet, but we still have time to get those.

We are very excited about the coming weeks, and we hope to make more significant progress. Ultimately, we hope to get the most efficient car for the cheapest we can get it.

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